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Dysport improves the appearance of lines and wrinkles by temporarily reducing or eliminating the movement of selected muscles. For a standard treatment we recommend 120-150 units. This should be enough to prevent or soften facial lines in most patients. If you prefer a lighter treatment that maintains some facial movement but may not completely prevent or soften your lines we can use as little as 60 units between the areas shown below.

Picture showing standard dysport treatments


Below are optional treatment areas. Excluding the neck, these areas just take a couple drops of Dysport and are individualized to each client.

Image showing optional dysport treatments


Below are very specialized options. Some migraine sufferers can have great success with Dysport injected in key areas. If you clinch your teeth while sleeping you may benefit from Dysport injected into your masseters and if you show a little more gum than you would like when you smile, then a couple units of Dysport may drop your upper lip just enough to show nothing but teeth. In addition to what is shown below, we can treat excessive sweating of the hands and armpits.

Image showing even more dysport options
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